新型的硅片用顶齿组,各齿件分别安装到安装基座,各齿件在安装到安装基座之前,作为形成用于容纳硅片的顶齿槽的外表面处在外侧,各齿件的外表面必须被抛光加工至表面粗糙度为 ra0.1um 以下。因此,新型的硅片用顶齿组,能够提高顶齿和硅片接触的表面的光滑程度,从而降低硅片表面被划伤的风险。
A new tvoe of iop tooth aroup for slicon waters. each tooth comoonent is insta ed on the instalaton base separatel. Berore instalatioron the instalation base, the outer surface of each tooth component, which forms the top tooth groove for accommodating silicon wafersis located on the outer side. The outer surface of each tooth component must be polished to a surface roughness of ra0.1 u Below mTherefore, the new type of top teeth for slicon wafers can improve the smoothness of the surtace in contact between the top teeth and thesilicon water. therebv reducina the risk of scratches on the surlace of the silicon waler